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New Stories for March

by on March 1, 2013

Good morning! We’ve got some news for you. First off, new stories. If you haven’t done so already, go check them out.

“Robot Origins” by Bruce H. Markuson — Robots have colonized much of the galaxy. They are sentient beings, they know of no other type of living things. However they have no idea were they came from, what are robot origins. They have established and live in a conformist and stable robot society. Until one robot discovers a technology beyond all there comprehension. It is a “biological specimen” called a “fly” and this changes robot society forever.

“Biggest Times Infinity” by Shane D. Rhinewald — When government turmoil shuts down the space program, six astronauts find themselves stranded aboard the national space station. Not only must they contend with dwindling supplies, but they also have to face their insecurities, doubts about humanity, and their own tumultuous relationships.

“Unfinished Projects” by Darren Goosens — With a bitter ex-wife and a half-finished house, Simon thought life was bad enough. Then an alien crash-landed on his garage.

“Stupid Manuscripts” by Antha Ann Adkins — Hugh wants to do brilliant scientific research, but he’s trapped reading nonsense papers, until one day one of the papers almost makes sense …

And our featured art this month is Robocop by Emil Goska.

Also, issues one and two are now available in a couple of different electronic formats. Just check out our back issues page if you’re interested. The first issue is even free after you pay with a Tweet or Facebook post. Otherwise, back issues are going for $1.99 for the entire pack (PDF, EPUB, and MOBI).

In other news, just because we’d like to get to know you better, we have a survey that we’d like you to fill out. There are only thirteen questions. Just follow this link to the survey. I promise, it’ll be quick and painless. And I’ll even share the results here, on our blog, at the end of the month so you’ll be able to know what kind of people you hang with by reading our awesome magazine.

Make sure you stick around for April. There will be stories by Eric Del Carlo, Michael Hodges, Gunnar De Winter, and Michaele Jordan.

And, as always, if you’d like to keep up with our news, updates, and other miscellaneous items, just follow us here on our blog or follow and friend us via:

Twitter: @InterstellarFic

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